Saturday, January 12, 2013

Flowers of Ukraine

Lovely flowers are the smiles of God's goodness.
William Wilberforce (1759 - 1833) English statesman 

This picture of a sweet child, who you may wonder what she is thinking, reminds me of all the parts to an adoption process but when worn together they make a stunning picture of God's beauty.

Ukrainian wreath (Ukrainianвінокvinok) is a type of wreath which, in traditional Ukrainian culture, is worn by girls and young unmarried women. The wreath may be part of a tradition dating back to the old East Slavic customs that predate the Christianization of Rus.[1] The flower wreath remains a part of the Ukrainian national attire, and is worn on festive occasions and on holy days

Like most Ukrainian folk dress, the vinok had significant symbolic value and only specific flowers were used.[2] It was traditionally worn by girls who were eligible for marriage. The wreath's name, vinok, is related to the Ukrainian word for a wedding ceremony vinchannya.
The flowers used to make the wreath were generally fresh, paper or waxen and were attached onto a band of stiff paper backing covered with a ribbon.
The wreath varied in many of the regions of Ukraine; young women throughout the country wore various headdresses of yarn, ribbon, coins, feathers and grasses, but these all had the same symbolic meaning. In parts of central and eastern Ukrainethe flowers were raised in the center front. Usually multicolored, embroidered ribbons were attached to the back.[1]

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